Australia dining travel

Perth EDB13 trip – eats and coffee

Kinky Lizard

My first breakfast in Perth – absolutely random choice. I had some time to kill before our morning coffee crawl so I went for a walk and the name “Kinky Lizard” sounded like a cool place. I ordered poached eggs with dark sourdough toast and a flat white. For a random place and price under $20 it was a pretty good choice. Everything looked a bit sad on the plate but eggs were perfectly poached and the bread was lovely.

Perth - eats and coffee 2013

Small Print

First stop during our coffee crawl. I didn’t get a chance to try any food as I arrived there straight from my morning breakfast adventure. But coffee (my #2 already at 9am) was great. After the meal (which was just a flat white in my case) we all moved to the smaller room and learned all the things about coffee. Learning involved the actual coffee of course – 9 kinds of coffee waited to be sniffed, admired & tasted.

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Standing Room Only

Lovely small space with the biggest coffee machine I’ve ever seen. And 3(?) more coffees – I lost count by that time. They showed us some coffee making magic, which was pretty impressive. Had to come back few days later for my midday caffeine fix, to make sure their iced coffee is really bangin’ 😉

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Lalla Rookh

Lunch with lovely Rachi from For a moment we were wondering if it’s appropriate to drink alcohol so early, but hey, one cocktail/glass of wine never hurt anybody. Hearty pasta dishes were great, we both were happy with our choices. Good job Lalla Rookh, you made two bloggers happy.

The restaurant is much bigger than I initially thought. There is a huge bar space, some tables outside and a big dining room (which is more dark and atmospheric).

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Venn – Coffee Event

Beautiful venue, where some of the conference delegates enjoyed cupping event organised by 5 Senses Coffee. I became familiar with another 6 kinds of coffee, which gives me a total of… way too many for that day. But all those lessons about coffee sparked an interest in me, I hope to learn more and not be such an ignorant when it comes to coffee (I always order a flat white and it “good” or “not good”).

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Cantina 663

Dinner in a carefully chosen place that turned out to be a big fail for all 6 of us. Hearing all the positive opinions from the locals I couldn’t believe how bad it went for us. Maybe it was just a worse night for the restaurant? Too bad it happened on that evening.

All entrees were decent. It all became a disaster when our mains have arrived. Some of them lacked in flavour, some (like my lasagne) were not edible – sweet, watery lasagne? Yuck. And on top of that, we were seated near the big open windows and a doorway – we were able to smell every cigarette smoked on the walkway.

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After a big night I really wanted some bacon and a good coffee. Plus it had to be close to my hotel. That’s why I went to the Dome. My healthy breakfast of bacon on toast with extra bacon and a big flat white, was supposed to help me get the much needed energy for the day. And it did, until I tried the coffee. Have you ever tasted cigarettes or strong smoke in your coffee? No? Then I really hope you’ll never get one as bad as I had there.

Perth - eats and coffee 2013

Mary Street Bakery

Such a lovely looking place, with many beautiful breads on display. Shame I didn’t have more time in Perth to actually come there for breakfast. I tried an ice coffee though and had a chance to look around while waiting for my order.

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Queens Tavern

Good for hangover black angus sliders and refreshing ciders. Spacious place, was able to accommodate our big group of about 20.

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Hawker’s Cusine

Aaaaah, I still dream about this place. We had an amazing Asian feast there on Sunday evening. I’m not able to tell you what was my favourite dish as we tried so many different ones, but believe me it must have been the best Asian food outside Asia. If I’m in Perth again, I’ll go there for dinner.

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Bench Espresso

After the Dome fail on Sunday, I went for a bit longer walk on Monday morning. It was worth every step. Great coffee and a decent breakfast menu. Loved the beautiful geometric letter in the logo and table numbers in the same style.

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Iku Sushi

Big choice of bento boxes for lunch, each of them in S, M or L size. Reasonable prices and waiting time. As for a randomly chosen place – food without major faults. And I really liked their pink chairs and the fit-out inside the restaurant.

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A BIG thank you to everyone who recommended/contributed/sponsored/influenced/accompanied/showed any of the above. You made my trip to Perth very tasty 🙂

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Martine @ Chompchomp
    November 28, 2013 at 8:29 am

    Was so lovely to meet you! I am glad you (mostly) had amazing eats, pity about Cantina….it usually is a sure winner. Hope to see you again soon!

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